The Great British Summer is finally producing some of the very hot and sunny days we are sometimes fortunate to have in the UK! Whilst this is celebrated by us humans, for dogs it isn’t always so enjoyable. Feel more prepared and read our tips on keeping your dog cool in the summer.
As the air temperature rises, as does the ground temperature, and depending on the surface it can raise more than you’d imagine. Luckily, in the UK temperatures over 25 degrees are rare but this year already we’ve seen some very hot days, reaching 30 degrees.
Tarmac and hard surfaces can be significantly hotter than the air temperature – with an air temperature of only 25 degrees tarmac can be over 50 degrees!
Skin destruction can occur in only 60 seconds at 50 degrees; even a short walk on the pavement or down the road can be bad news for your dog. So, before you walk your dog, just place your hand on the ground to feel the temperature. Too hot for you is too hot for them.
Even if you’re not out walking your dog in this weather, knowing how to keep dogs cool is still important and easier for some breeds than others. Here are our top tips on how to keep dogs cool this summer:
1. Walk early or late to avoid the hottest part of the day.
It is worth remembering that the heat can linger on into the evenings when it’s been hot outside. This can mean the tarmac is still too hot on walks and cause cracked or dry dog paws. To avoid rough paw pads and irritated dog paws during the summer months apply Paw & Nose Balm frequently.
2. Watch for signs of dehydration
Dogs don’t regulate their body heat like humans and are more susceptible to heatstroke. (Read our blog on the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs to know what to look out for.) If you notice your dog doing the following things, they are suffering with dehydration:
-They are panting more to try and keep themselves cool
-An overheated dog will also drool excessively and become lethargic
-Often their eyes will become bloodshot and may appear a little pale.
3. Keep them hydrated
Different dogs will have different needs when battling with heat. Keep in mind that darker coats will absorb more heat than lighter coats. Heavier and overweight dogs will also be at increased risk during hot weather. If you are out walking why not take a doggy water bottle with you just in case.

4. Find new ways to cool your dog
Move their bed to a shady spot in the garden for them to relax. A child’s paddling pool is a great way to ensure you’re keeping dogs cool in summer as it can be used for them to drink from and have a quick paddle! Or, alternatively, why not lay a wet towel outside in the shade for them to lie on. Don’t forget to keep using our Easy-Green Dog Supplement Powder during the summer as it’s a great way to combat overheating.
5. Dogs cool from the bottom up!
Instead of laying a wet towel over your dog lay it on the ground for them to lie on. Or spray their feet and tummy with a water mist – this is a great way to keep your dog cool that they’ll enjoy too!
6. Let your dog be your guide
Dogs don’t watch the weather forecast so they won’t understand why they’re not getting their usual long walks. Let your dog experience the weather and they will soon realise it’s too hot, cold or wet for that walk. We know our dogs can be reluctant to go out when it rains and it’s usually the same when it’s hot!
7. Never leave your dog in a parked car!
It’s saddening every year that this still happens – it’s frighteningly easy for them to overheat in the car, even when it’s “not that hot” outside, and for the worse to happen. You may think that in mildly warm temperatures that keeping dogs cool isn’t as important, but it is. Don’t let your dog become a statistic this year, or ever!
If you are planning to take your dog on holiday this summer, read our holiday guide for travelling with your dog and don’t forget to tick off the handy checklist!
To find out more about our range of herbal remedies for dogs, contact our friendly team of experts today on 01308 897272, email us at info@dorwest.com or fill out our quick online contact form. Plus, get free UK delivery on all orders over £50!
Please remember, you should always consult a vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health.