Just like us, our dogs rely on a happy, healthy gut to feel their best. Whether they’re dealing with occasional tummy troubles or you just want to keep their digestion in top condition, there are plenty of simple ways to help! From probiotics to herbal support, here are five daily things you can do to help your dog’s digestive system running smoothly.
1. Support their gut health with probiotics
Did you know that your dog’s gastrointestinal tract is home to billions of bacteria? Some are good, some not so much. The key is keeping a healthy balance – and that’s where probiotics come in!
Adding a high-quality probiotic supplement, like Dorwest’s Probiotic Plus for Dogs, can work wonders for gut health. Packed with prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics (the whole package!), it helps to support good bacteria, maintain normal digestion and improve stool consistency. Whether your dog has a sensitive stomach or you just want to improve their gut health ahead of those oops! moments, a daily probiotic is a great addition to their routine.
👉 Dorwest Top Tip: Probiotics are especially useful after antibiotics, stressful situations, illness, or diet changes - all times when your dog's gut might need extra support.
2. Settle their stomach with all-natural Tree Barks powder
Unfortunately, gut problems are common in our pets, with gurgling tummies, excessive wind, nausea, inappetence, and looser or more frequent stools all being signs that something isn't quite right. Various medical conditions, stress, and changes in your pet’s environment or diet (including eating things that they shouldn’t have!), can all be to blame.
Whether it’s ongoing tummy troubles or a short-term upset though, Tree Barks powder can be a real game change and quickly help soothe your pet’s digestive tract, as it is suitable for long or short-term use. The gentle herbal blend in Tree Barks powder means that it is suitable to use in pets of all ages too, including weaning puppies and kittens. Just sprinkle it over their food for a gentle, natural way to support digestion.
👉 Fun Fact: The Slippery Elm Bark in this powder contains mucilage, a natural soluble fibre that feeds beneficial gut bacteria, helping them thrive! It’s the perfect prebiotic to pair with our Probiotic Plus for all-around digestive support.
3. Herbal support for gas & gut discomfort
We've all been there – that moment when your dog lets out a particularly smelly fart. If your pup struggles with gurgling tummies, bloating, or flatulence, we can help!
Dorwest’s Digestive Tablets contain natural ingredients like Ginger, Slippery Elm Bark and Valerian Root, known for their digestive-supporting properties. They’re great for calming upset stomachs and promoting consistent stools. These tablets are gentle enough for both short-term use and long-term support, making them ideal for settling tummies before events like car journeys or travelling.
👉 When to Use: If your dog gets an upset tummy from stress (like fireworks or travel), these tablets can be a game changer.
4. Feed them a high-quality, gut-friendly diet
What goes in must come out – and a good diet makes all the difference in keeping your dog's digestion on track!
Try and opt for high-quality, natural dog food that’s packed with real ingredients and free from artificial fillers, colourings, and preservatives. A diet rich in protein, fibre, and essential nutrients helps to keep digestion smooth and stools firm (which, let’s be honest, makes life easier for you too!).
👉 Top Tip: When switching foods, always transition gradually over 7-10 days to avoid stomach upsets.
5. Keep them moving & hydrated
A healthy digestive system isn’t just about food – exercise and hydration play a huge role too. Regular walks and playtime help keep everything moving through the gut, helping to reduce the chance of constipation. Plenty of fresh water supports digestion and prevents dehydration, which can cause tummy troubles.
👉 Did you Know? If your dog eats dry food, they’ll need extra water to help digest it properly – so always keep their water bowl fresh and topped up!

Supporting your dog’s digestion doesn’t have to be complicated. A mix of probiotics, natural supplements, a balanced diet, and regular exercise can go a long way in keeping their gut healthy and happy. Whether you’re dealing with an occasional upset tummy or looking to boost their overall well-being, these simple tips can help keep their digestive system in tip-top shape!
If you have any questions or need any help choosing which product is best for your pet's gut health - feel free to reach out and contact us our expert and friendly team on 01308 897272 or email info@dorwest.com.