Just like us, dogs can get an upset stomach from time to time. Although not usually serious or long lasting, they can be upsetting for owners and may cause discomfort for the dog.
Some breeds of dog, seem to have more delicate digestions than others and so being aware of your dog’s individual sensitivities is a good idea. Just knowing what has triggered the problem can be difficult, so here are some of the most usual causes that you should be aware of and to avoid if you can.
1. Scavenging
Dogs are scavengers and so eating something they shouldn’t is very common, especially when off the lead and this is a common reason for tummies to be upset. Try to keep an eye on them if this something they like to do so you can promptly stop them ingesting anything.
2. Diet
Changing from one type of food to another may cause a temporary upset but this normally settles down within a few days, so if you change a dog’s diet it is best to do so gradually. Some dogs can be sensitive to an ingredient in a food, and although more difficult to pinpoint, food elimination diets can be helpful to find the cause. It often helps to give as natural a diet as possible.
3. Stress
Just like us, times of stress can affect the tummy causing temporary looseness. If your dog has this problem, then avoiding stressful situations is advisable. You may also like to consider relieving their stress or anxiety with herbal dog calming remedies.
4. Parasites
It may sound obvious but remember that internal parasites will affect digestion and cause upset tummies, so make sure your dog is regularly treated for parasites. You can also send poo samples for testing to several on-line laboratories if you want to reassure yourself that your dog is worm free.
5. Medical reason
A dog’s upset stomach or diarrhoea that lasts for more than 24 hours may be an indication of a more serious condition. So, always consult your vet if you are concerned that the problem is not resolved quickly. Viruses can be a cause as can bacterial infections, as well as a few absorptive disorders.

So what can you do to help?
- It’s probably a good idea to withhold food for 12 to 24 hours so as not to add the proverbial “fuel to the fire”. Then give a small amount of an easily digested food, such as scrambled eggs, to get them back to eating normally again.
- Never give milk or dairy products to a dog who is suffering from diarrhoea or just has looser than normal stools. It will aggravate the situation and make matters worse.
- Our digestive aid, Tree Barks Powder For Dogs is a nutritional herbal remedy for pets that is a great quick acting short term choice for dogs experiencing a bout of diarrhoea and in the recovery period afterwards. Tree bark for dogs soothes their whole digestive tract, slowing the passage of food through the gut firming stools and easing discomfort. It is simply sprinkled on any food, giving a teaspoonful for every 10kgs weight and can be added to each feed until the situation resolves.
- If your dog is prone to being stressed or anxious and this affects their tummy, it is worth thinking about whether they may benefit from a course of Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets for Dogs to generally reduce their stress and anxiety.
If you are concerned that your dog’s upset stomach is something more serious or it is an ongoing issue, seek veterinary advice.
For more information on our digestive aids for dogs or any of our other herbal remedies for pets, get in touch with our friendly team of experts today.