Our original Keeper’s Mix® dog supplement is a unique blend of 8 herbs, originally formulated by a Dorset gamekeeper and kennel man. This dog food supplement was brought up to date by Dorwest Herbs using the benefit of modern herbal knowledge.
We utilised scientific methods to guarantee the purity and quality of the ingredients so as to ensure maximum overall health benefits.
Why should I feed Keeper’s Mix® to my dog?
Keeper’s Mix® promotes all-round heath, supporting vital organs and maintaining natural balance in your pet’s body, as well as encouraging a thick and healthy coat.
The wonderful formulation in this natural dog supplement keeps dogs in top condition by giving their diet a super boost. Balance is the key to this potent herbal blend which contains natural antioxidants, naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, fibres and complex bioactive compounds.
Which beneficial herbs are found in Keeper’s Mix®?

Each herb in our Keeper’s Mix® For Dogs contains ingredients that benefit a different major organ in the body, and this is reflected in improved general vitality and a healthy coat.
These are the herbs in Keeper’s Mix® For Dogs and the benefit of each ingredient:
• Kelp Seaweed for minerals, coat growth and pigmentation. We recommend Keeper’s Mix® as a dog coat supplement, as the kelp seaweed encourages healthy coat growth.
• Celery Seeds for suppleness and free movement. It’s important to look after your dog’s joints, as sadly their joints can wear as they age.
• Lucerne, also known as alfalfa, a nutritious plant that is a source of Vitamins A, C & K. This herb provides essential dog vitamins to promote your dog’s health.
• Nettles which are rich in chlorophyll, iron and Vitamin C.
• Rosemary is good for the digestion and flatulence and helps maintain a healthy heart.
• Psyllium for a healthy bowel and digestion. This herbal remedy for dogs is excellent for improving the digestion of both raw and processed food.
• Clivers helps to maintain good kidney and bladder function and clear skin.
• Wild Yam is useful to sustain a healthy intestine.
Is Keeper’s Mix® safe?
No artificial vitamins or minerals are added to the 100% herbal ingredients in Keeper’s Mix®, ensuring we provide a safe, natural form of supplementation.
Naturally occurring vitamins and minerals are more readily absorbed by the body and therefore have more benefit. For that reason, dog food supplements given in this natural form will not overheat or overload the system.
However, the visible benefits are clear to see with a wonderfully thick and healthy coat, good pigmentation and improved overall health.

Don’t just take our word for it!
Works for my dogs
“I have been using Keeper's mix® on and off over a few years with my dogs and I have to say once you start and give it a month I found a vast improvement with my dogs coat as she does have a few allergies (grass etc) I think it's worth a try.”
Just great
“First time customer. Ordered Keeper's Mix® for my Hungarian wirehaired vizsla Poppy have been mixing in his food. He’s had no problem eating his food with it in. I was so shocked when I opened it, it smells absolutely amazing. My wife said she would use it in her cooking it smells that good.”
Immediate results
“Our Greyhound retiree had a very fine, very thin coat and was continually shedding while our Jack Russell has a long wiry coat that sheds all year round. I was looking to improve their coats and ensure that they are both getting all the vitamins and minerals they need. The results were almost immediate. The daily "tumbleweed" floating around the floors has reduced. Their coats are soft and silky, even the wiry one! After a couple of weeks there is a definite reduction in bald or thin patches on our greyhound. I don't know if it's my imagination but our terrier's eyes appear sparkly and much less runny. She has also lost weight which was needed. Both dogs are the picture of health. I will definitely be continuing to add Keeper's Mix® to their breakfasts.”

Did you know that our Keeper’s Mix® is our official Foundation product with 10% of profit from every sale donated to the Dorwest Foundation? By purchasing to help your dog, your helping others!
You’ll build both your dog and other dogs a good foundation when you purchase Keeper’s Mix®.
For more information about Dorwest Herbs range of herbal remedies for dogs and dog food supplements, get in touch with our team of experts today. Call us on 01308 897272 or use our online contact form. Plus, get free UK delivery on orders over £50.
Please remember, you should always consult a vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health.