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Study reveals: Over 70% of dogs display symptoms of anxiety

Study reveals: Over 70% of dogs display symptoms of anxiety

Amy Matthews |

It’s no secret that our dogs experience a wide range of emotions, just like we do. However, recent research suggests that canine anxiety may be far more widespread than many pet owners realise. A 2020 study revealed that a staggering 70% of dogs show symptoms of anxiety, highlighting just how common this issue is!

What the study shows

The research involved over 13,000 dogs from various breeds and backgrounds, and it highlighted that anxiety isn’t limited to one specific type of dog. In fact, dogs of all shapes and sizes can feel stressed for a variety of reasons. The study found that:

  • Noise sensitivity is the most common anxiety trigger for dogs, affecting nearly one-third (32%) of those studied. This includes reactions to fireworks, thunder, or everyday sounds like vacuum cleaners or television.
  • Fear of strangers was another significant factor, affecting 29% of dogs.
  • Fear of other dogs followed closely, affecting approximately 26% of the dogs in the study. These dogs displayed clear signs of social anxiety, particularly during interactions with unfamiliar or larger dogs.

What triggers canine anxiety?

Like us, dogs can become anxious for all sorts of reasons. It’s important to recognise these triggers and find ways to help your dog feel safe and secure. Some common canine anxiety triggers include:

  • Loud noises – Fireworks, thunderstorms, or even the odd door slam can set off an anxious dog.
  • Separation anxiety – Dogs are social creatures, and being left on their own for extended periods can cause them to feel stressed.
  • New people or dogs – Some dogs find social interactions overwhelming, particularly when meeting strangers or unfamiliar dogs.
  • Changes to routine – A shift in their daily routine or living environment can be unsettling, even for the calmest of dogs.

Supporting your dog through anxiety

While it’s impossible to remove all stress from your dog’s life, there are practical steps you can take to manage their anxiety symptoms. Here are a few practical tips to help keep your dog calm and comfortable:

  • Natural calming supplements for dogs – Many pet owners turn to calming supplements during high-stress events like fireworks season or long car journeys. These natural remedies can help settle your dog’s anxiety and decrease their sensitivity to loud noises or new environments.
  • Create a safe space – Feeling safe is very important, particular for dogs who have been exposed to high levels of stress or fear in their early life, such as rescue dogs. We recommend creating your anxious dog a quiet, comfortable area where they can retreat when they’re feeling anxious. It could be as simple as a cosy corner or a special bed with blankets for added comfort and protection.
  • Training and reassurance – Gentle, positive reinforcement can help anxious dogs feel more confident over time. Gradual exposure to anxiety triggers in a controlled manner can also be helpful.


If you notice that your dog seems to be anxious more often than not, it’s worth speaking to your vet. They can guide you on the best approach and recommend treatments or therapies tailored to your dog’s needs.


With over 70% of dogs experiencing anxiety, it’s something that pet owners shouldn’t ignore. By understanding the common causes and taking proactive steps, we can make a real difference in our dogs’ quality of life. Whether it’s a calming supplement, a bit of extra reassurance, or simply recognising the signs, supporting our dogs through their anxiety is an important part of being a great pet owner! 

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